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Parker 5 Johnson

A Look Back at the Last 8 Months - Reflection and Analysis

Today, I'm taking a step back to reflect on the last eight months of documenting I've done of my life with the specific purpose of accomplishing goals.

Before I get started here, allow me to momentarily digress.  I'm creating a new YouTube account/channel using my new email address.  I'm doing this to streamline my content output and maintain as much continuity as possible across platforms.  I find that more systemization and continuity shaves time and effort from the creation process.  Even incremental changes like this will benefit us long-term.  Additionally, I have recently had requests for links to some old videos on my old YouTube account.  I was forced to hide my PMTSMLJ documentation videos in order to maintain my current "zero audience" environment. 


As of today (5.21.20), I have yet to find a quick way to transfer all >25 videos from my old account to this new one.  If I continue to be unsuccessful, I'll simply re-upload all of them from my personal hard drive.  This will disrupt their chronological organization and take a ton of time, but there may be no other option.  Regardless, I'm very excited about this new development.

Here are the topics I want to discuss - click to jump; 

  1. My original goals, where we stand on those, and how we'll move forward,

  2. What I've learned from this "documentation" process so far,

  3. The construction industry, how it works and my plans for it.

1. Let's dive into my original goals.


Achieving acceptance into Harvard Business School still remains a goal of mine.  I believe the experience can be an exceptional one for my classmates, professors, society as a whole, and myself of course.  There are certain challenges, skills and social connections I'd like to build using this method that will help us revolutionize the industrial construction industry and subsequently all others.  I'll explain this in more detail when I cover topic #3. 

Although I am not fluent in Spanish, my goal was to apply the language to a practical extent.  By immersing myself into Spanish learning podcasts for one hour per day (driving to and from my office job) and thirty minutes per evening using the Duolingo phone app, I was able to gain the linguistic foundation I desired.  I can interact with a Spanish speaking person or understand a conversation with relatively high confidence.  The next step in my Spanish speaking journey is to visit Costa Rica a second time to actually immerse myself.  I'd like to make this trip within the next 12 months.

My brother (his original idea) and I started an experimental non-profit business to sell bracelets to COVID-19 survivors in order to funnel all profits to personal protective equipment for front-line medical workers. - We decided to forgo monetary promotions/marketing in lieu of manual Twitter marketing.  This method has proven to be time consuming and difficult.  However, it is certainly more personal and connects with people on a deeper level than just paying for a promoted tweet.  Best of all, Tweeting and interacting with people on the internet brings out a certain creativity and ability to relate to all types.  While not profitable, this endeavor has proven a great learning experience and challenge.

Building and maintaining this blog and website has been the most enjoyable aspect of my adventure so far.  making videos and exploring new challenges/goals has been fun, but creativity and writing promote my most effective thought and introspection.  Recently, I even volunteered a day of my time to create a business website for a good friend of mine back in Louisiana.  Although most of the text content on the site was written by others, the process was still highly gratifying. 

Joining a club or non-profit was essentially put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  The original plan was to join a group this summer (2020), but that has since become nearly impossible.  I guess you could say the HabitUnity non-profit could take the place of this goal, but I was really looking forward to the human social interactions.  I will pursue this goal when things loosen up.

Identification of a GMAT study strategy has been 98% achieved, but implementation has yet to occur.  After a few months of experimental studying and research, I have determined that the GMAT study process needs to be the sole priority at the time.  

Studying on weekends is by far the most effective time to do so, but balancing Spanish lessons, documentation, and reading after a full 40 hour weekday is ineffective.  After completing a large sample size of problems from the GMAT sections, I almost have a full grasp on the magnitude of the required study regimen and how to approach it.  The only thing I'd like to do to complete my understanding of the study strategy is to take a practice test.  This has not occurred due to my recent infatuation with long distance running on weekends.  I plan to take one or two practice GMAT's within the next two months and review material a couple times per month until I decide to engage the study strategy.

I will allocate ALL spare time for 3-4 months approaching the official test day to GMAT problem solving and practice.  Small amounts of time will be allowed for exercise, but I will make sure to divert all brain activity to problem solving during this multi-month window.  It will be approached as a sort of Navy Seal training.  The tentative schedule for this activity is summer 2021.

2.  What I've learned from this "life documenting" experience so far...  


I'm literally sitting here trying to figure out how to start this off.  It's difficult to find words that do my thoughts justice. 


I think this endeavor is the single most important thing I've done so far in my life.  Before starting this thing eight months ago, I felt I had achieved almost optimal thought clarity, organization, and physical/mental health for my current applications.  I guess we could say that those parameters were optimal enough to seed this very endeavor, so in that sense, they were optimal.  

Regardless, my entire brain operation has changed knowing I need to be acutely aware of my daily activities and thoughts to document them and to achieve goals at the same time.

Reprogramming my brain's organizational and pattern recognition abilities has made me more aware of every aspect of my life - not only those specific goals I set for myself.  Consequently, this has landed on my 40 hour office job and the industry in which I work.  I credit this to the sheer amount of time I spend doing this activity.  It was a development I didn't expect, but I am certainly open to welcoming.  

3. The construction industry, how it works, and my plans for it.

This is an area where I've felt the most excitement stemming from this self-awareness-creating process.  Most of my daily activities - estimating cost for prospective projects and managing and tracking installations on current projects - have been stimulating in a sense that I feel responsibility and importance.  I am also constantly learning about new situations that may arise before, during and after construction projects.  However, this stimulation has proven to be quite linear as opposed to the exponential stimulation I seek in my life to benefit the world as a whole.

Since I am applying myself under systems currently in use by my company, I have been finding a great deal of opportunity to improve them for the long-haul.  As with most industries, systems move relatively slowly as far as keeping up with the capabilities of modern technology.  Constant systematic change within a company is difficult and requires continued detailed analysis of current systems, cognizance of new technologies, and (most importantly) selling the new ideas to current company management for implementation.

Much of my spare time around my 40 hour job has been allocated to data analysis of current systems.  There seem to be a slew of systems, computer programs, job positions, and spreadsheets that are all highly interdependent.  Unfortunately, they remain relatively separated either by physical distance or by interconnectivity.  I'll move my breakdown of the operations here (not written yet as of 6.13.20), so we don't cluster this particular reflection blog post.


Necessity (pump more oil) > engineering for a solution (make instructions for construction) > pricing the solution competitively (maintaining fair market conditions) > ordering material and organizing/acquiring manpower > constructing the physical asset > using data from construction to feed back into all other steps of the process.


Since creating industry change is a three part process, there's more to it than being familiar with the industry itself.  The fast paced technological advancements we see today are staggeringly difficult to keep up with in terms of what new capabilities and technologies are out there.  I seem to have an advantage when it comes to this because my brother, Matt, allocates much of his focus to this very topic.  Although I am not fluent in computer science or new artificial intelligence and data analysis deep learning systems, I receive just enough information to see what the future has in store.  I see a future where all physical labor is commoditized similar to how Uber commoditized transportation.  i.e. everyone works for themselves and has the ability to pinpoint and accept new tasks.  It seems farfetched, but it's certainly within the realm of future possibilities.  And don't get me wrong, the details are infinitely complex.  See this post (not written yet as of 6.13.20) where I dive into some I can come up with.  By the way, my goal is to start small in specialty construction and progress from that point forward.

Lastly, we face possibly one of the largest hurdles of all; selling these new ideas/systems to current management for implementation.  Why change something that already works?  Most companies are managed and run by aging folks who simply need to continue their linear path to retirement.  Granted, some have different aspirations and almost all of them had different (more risky) motivations at an earlier stage in their lives.  They wouldn't be in executive or managerial positions if they hadn't.  There is nothing wrong with this at all.  However, it does pose a problem for young technologically inclined people looking to make change, so it must be addressed. 

Currently, I am quietly observing my environment while practicing the art of "selling" small new ideas.  Did I mention how vastly difficult it is...  Why would I listen to you when you're 20 years old and have no experience?  Even if I did listen to you, how would it make me look taking big picture advice from a youngling?  What if it doesn't work?  All very valid questions.

I am beginning to conclude that, at my age and experience level, the only way to stand a chance at making change is to present a perfectly calculated and put-together proposal addressing the greatest number of possible concerns.  Additionally, the idea must be presented in a way where it can be adopted and taken credit for by the person receiving it.  I have no issue with someone else taking credit for my work so long as it pushes towards our goal of bettering the world.  

In conclusion, this life-documenting process by use of YouTube, Instagram, and this website is absolutely changing my life.  This reflection was my way of summing up what I've gained as of today.  I am extremely excited that this is just the beginning.

Last updated 06.13.20 - PJ

  • My goal is to be accepted into Harvard Business School and to document the process leading up to that moment in as much detail as possible for people in the future who may have similar goals.

  • It frustrates me that nobody has comprehensively documented their own process, in real time, leading up to acceptance into a top business school - I couldn't even find anyone who documented their pre medical or law school endeavors.

  • Some secondary goals I plan to pursue include (1) teaching myself the Spanish language, (2) starting and growing another business, (3) building and maintaining this blog/website, (4) joining a club or non-profit in my area, and (5) identifying and executing a GMAT study strategy.

- PJ upon website creation (used to be on home page)

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